Build and Share- Multiple DICOM Studies
Build and Share
- Multiple studies to a single destination
- Multiple studies to multiple destinations in Vertex.
Step 1: Select source in the Source Column
Step 2: Submit a Query in the Source Browser column.
Step 3: Select the desired study or studies in the Results column,
Use Ctrl key to select multiple studies from the same source or click and drag patient name for all studies
Step 4: Drag-and-drop the desired study or studies to the Job Data Composer
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 to share multiple studies.
- Non-DICOM data series can also be added.
- Non-DICOM data series information fields will be automatically updated with DICOM study information.
Step 6: Select the desired destination(s) in the Destinations column.
*NOTE: Each selected destination is highlighted in the Destinations column. To remove a destination, click again.
Click the Submit bar on the far right to process the job
Your Job can be tracked in the Job Queue
More Build and Share Options:
Build Non-Dicom Job with PHI Template